I would like to take the time to thank all of the?lovely folks?who keep sending me posts to put their Viagra, XXX hot teems, pimple/hemroid reduction, hair care, great vacation deals and time shares web sites up on the blog. Is there a theme here, I am a person who seems like they need any of these services? Special thanks now go out to the person I will refer to as Sandra who even after my original post continues to disregard my advice.
It has been so fun having to waste my time deleting all these insightful and productive messages. You wonder why we all do not like you, who would when you waste their time with your products that we do not want. You are becoming as hated if not even more hated then a dentist.
So I say keep up the good work, keep pissing off more people who will one day maybe need your product but not buy from you since you have annoyed them in the past.